During 3.5, a release put under the theme of robustness for our team, p2 went through a lot of changes: new UI, improved error reporting, more robust downloads, improved transactionality of the installation,.. the list is endless. About 900 bugs have been closed.
However, in order to avoid releasing 3.5 with big issues (which we think/hope we don't have), I'm calling out to you to try out p2 by downloading RC1 and give it a spin and a hard time, and report any problem in the p2 component here.
Thanks in advance.
Can I install all of Galileo with p2director from eclipse-platform-3.5M7-linux-gtk.tar.gz? Last time I tried the installer did not find the IU "org.eclipse.sdk.ide".
Could you provide a script to install Galileo from p2 whith only the eclipse-platform download. Thanks in advance!
After encountering a persistent P2 problem after moving to a new dev machine (old machine PDE builds my P2 metadata, new machine doesn't) I started thinking of M7, and turning to planet eclipse I notice your blog.
Now downloading M7 so I can assemble my 3.5 environment for re-learning new functionality and testing.
thanks for the prompt.
Hey Pascal,
Is there an update site for updating the SDK from milestone to milestone?
I ended up having to download RC1 (and install all the stuff I had in M6) because I could not find RC1 in the Galileo update site (it still shows an older version - 3.5.0.v20090423 - maybe M7?).
I think encouraging people (even the development team) to use P2 to move from milestone to milestone (or even i-build to i-build) not only makes people's lives much easier, but also ensures better testing.
Cheers, and late congrats to you guys for your little one.
Rafael, here's the link to our milestone update site. You'll have to add it as a site in your install.
Here's a link to all the sites
The content of the Galileo repo is not meant to be installable all together, but instead you need to pick bits and pieces of interest.
Rafael, there is a site for the M builds (and other type of builds). See at http://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse_Project_Update_Sites.
The content of Galileo is not yet updated to RC1 because the process for building this site requires all the participants to have their RC1 contribution ready. It is expected to be ready this Tuesday.
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