Beyond the awesome OSS software it provides, Eclipse is the place to get dressed! As an evidence, here is my personal collection of Eclipse T-shirts gathered over the years of conferences, camps, Lynn bribing, etc.
Missing from this list: the long sleeves jeans shirts from eclipsecon 2007(?), the very first Eclipse hat from OTI/IBM, some GSoc shirts, and the EclipseCon exercise shirts, but I never got those because I'm usually too "tired" for the early runs.
With each of them come some good memories and I still wear them proudly :)
Pascal, how does your wife cope with the collection? Mine has thrown out my NetBeans t-shirt collection a while back. :)
I have almost all of them, even the long sleeves jeans collector shirts. I'll try to get my hands on it to complete your collection.
I just have a enough big drawer and don't buy much else :)
I had to get rid of the long sleeves jeans one, it was really too ugly... Though my dad may be using it for gardening :)
I've been trying to talk Ian into Eclipse-branded socks, underpants, and trousers for years. I'm looking forward to the day when I never have to buy another stitch of clothing...
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